Why is it Called a Muffin? Unraveling Its Delicious History and More
Muffins undeniably rank among the most popular baked goods, and people across the globe enjoy them for breakfast, snacks, or even as an afternoon treat. However, have you ever paused to wonder why we call it a muffin? The name itself carries a fascinating history that connects different cultures, languages, and baking traditions. In addition, muffins have evolved significantly over the centuries, turning into versatile baked delights that cater to various tastes and preferences. Above all, muffins represent comfort, simplicity, and creativity in baking. From their humble beginnings as yeast-leavened bread cooked on griddles to their sweeter, cake-like American counterparts … Read more
American muffins / Baking Tips / Breakfast recipes / easy muffin recipe / English muffins / homemade muffins / muffin history / muffin variations / muffins / quick bread